Dina Boluarte’s China Trip — Insights into PRC Engagement with Latin AmericaR. Evan Ellis September 15, 2024IndraStra
Bolivia, y los dilemas de Estados Unidos ante regímenes problemáticos en América LatinaR. Evan Ellis September 15, 2024infobae
Brazil’s Attempt to Control X: The Deterioration of the Liberal World OrderR. Evan Ellis September 13, 2024Global Americans
Bolivia and US Dilemmas in Engaging with Problematic Regimes in Latin AmericaR. Evan Ellis September 11, 2024IndraStra
¿Buques de guerra rusos, elecciones venezolanas y una crisis fabricada con Guyana en el Caribe?R. Evan Ellis September 8, 2024CEEEP
The Impact of the Political Orientation of Latin America, on the Advance of the People’s Republic of China in the RegionR. Evan Ellis August 26, 2024Journal of the Americas
El impacto de la orientación política de Latinoamérica sobre el avance de la República Popular China en la regiónR. Evan Ellis August 26, 2024Journal of the Americas
O impacto da orientação política da América Latina no avanço da República Popular da China na regiãoR. Evan Ellis August 26, 2024Journal of the Americas
2024 Annual Estimate of the Strategic Security Environment: Central and South America and the CaribbeanR. Evan Ellis July 31, 2024U.S. Army War College
Venezuela’s Elections: Hoping for the Best, Preparing for the WorstR. Evan Ellis July 25, 2024IndraStra
Elecciones en Venezuela: esperando lo mejor, preparándose para lo peorR. Evan Ellis July 25, 2024infobae
Guatemala’s Security Challenges and the Government’s ResponseR. Evan Ellis July 23, 2024Florida International University
La influencia china en Guatemala: R. Evan Ellis, catedrático de la Escuela de Guerra del Ejército de EE. UU., charla con RepúblicaR. Evan Ellis July 18, 2024Republica
El compromiso con China ha tenido un impacto multifacético en la democracia latinoamericanaR. Evan Ellis July 14, 2024infobae
Engagement With China Has Had a Multifaceted Impact on Latin American DemocracyR. Evan Ellis July 5, 2024The Diplomat
Working Paper: Paraguay’s Security Challenges and the Government ResponseR. Evan Ellis July 2, 2024Florida International University
El avance de China en Centroamérica y la importancia de Guatemala para limitar la influencia de BeijingR. Evan Ellis June 23, 2024infobae
Buques de guerra rusos, elecciones venezolanas y la amenaza de una crisis fabricada con Guyana en el CaribeR. Evan Ellis June 17, 2024infobae
Russian Warships, Venezuelan Elections, and a Fabricated Crisis with Guyana in the Caribbean?R. Evan Ellis June 14, 2024Florida International University
The Strategic Value of Taiwan and Stability in Asia for Latin AmericaR. Evan Ellis June 14, 2024IndraStra
El valor estratégico de Taiwán y la estabilidad en Asia para América LatinaR. Evan Ellis June 12, 2024infobae
Working Paper: China, the Illiberal Counter-Order, and the Role of Values in the Strategic ResponseR. Evan Ellis June 10, 2024Florida International University
China-Argentina Space Engagement: Reconciling Science, Sovereignty, and Strategic RiskR. Evan Ellis May 23, 2024REDCAEM
El Compromiso Espacial China - Argentina: Conciliar Ciencia, Soberanía y Riesgo EstratégicoR. Evan Ellis May 23, 2024REDCAEM
Argentina: Security Challenges and the Government ResponseR. Evan Ellis May 8, 2024Seguridad y Poder Terrestre
Argentina: Retos de Seguridad y Respuesta del GobiernoR. Evan Ellis May 8, 2024Seguridad y Poder Terrestre
Paraguay: A Promising Government Navigating a Perilous PathR. Evan Ellis April 30, 2024Global Americans
Argentina's Political and Economic ChallengesR. Evan Ellis March 11, 2024Florida International University
¿Está China acaparando la transición hacia la energía verde en América Latina?R. Evan Ellis March 6, 2024Dialogo
A China está controlando a transição para a energia verde na América Latina?R. Evan Ellis March 6, 2024Dialogo
La avanzada china sobre la seguridad de América Latina y el CaribeR. Evan Ellis February 24, 2024infobae
China's Security Engagemment in Latin America and the CaribbeanR. Evan Ellis February 23, 2024The Diplomat
Cooperação espacial entre a China e a América Latina – uma atualizaçãoR. Evan Ellis February 21, 2024Dialogo
PRC Engagement with Latin America, and Central and Eastern Europe: Comparisons and InsightsR. Evan Ellis February 7, 2024Journal of the Americas
Participación de la RPC en Latinoamérica y Europa Central y Oriental: Comparaciones y conocimientosR. Evan Ellis February 7, 2024Journal of the Americas
Envolvimento do RPC com a América Latina e a Europa Central e Oriental: Comparações e PerspectivasR. Evan Ellis February 7, 2024Journal of the Americas
Strategic Implications of the Deterioration of the Rules-Based International OrderR. Evan Ellis February 2, 2024CEEEP
Implicaciones Estratégicas del Deterioro del Orden Internacional Basado en NormasR. Evan Ellis February 2, 2024CEEEP
Implicações estratégicas da deterioração da ordem internacional baseada em regrasR. Evan Ellis February 2, 2024CEEEP
Latin America and the Caribbean 2024 OutlookR. Evan Ellis December 21, 2023Florida International University
China, the U.S. and Latin America: Pursuing Self-Interest Shouldn't Imply Self-Destructive ChoicesR. Evan Ellis December 7, 2023Dialogo
La caída de Bolivia en un profundo caos y sus implicaciones para la regiónR. Evan Ellis November 26, 2023infobae
Bolivia’s Descent into Deep Chaos and the Implications for the RegionR. Evan Ellis November 20, 2023Global Americans
Implications of the Israel-Hamas War for the Global Strategic EnvironmentR. Evan Ellis November 7, 2023IndraStra
Implicaciones de la Guerra Entre Israel y Hamás para el Entorno Estratégico MundialR. Evan Ellis November 7, 2023Geodese
Reanudación de las Relaciones de Irán con América LatinaR. Evan Ellis November 4, 2023Seguridad y Poder Terrestre
Perspectivas desde la comparación del compromiso de la RPC en África y América LatinaR. Evan Ellis November 3, 2023Dialogo
Insights sobre a comparação do envolvimento da RPC na África e na América LatinaR. Evan Ellis November 3, 2023Dialogo
China, Estados Unidos y América Latina: perseguir el interés propio no debe implicar opciones autodestructivasR. Evan Ellis October 27, 2023infobae
Security Challenges Facing the Dominican Republic and the Government ResponseR. Evan Ellis October 13, 2023CEEEP
Retos de Seguridad a los que se Enfrenta la República Dominicana y la Respuesta del GobiernoR. Evan Ellis October 13, 2023CEEEP
Implications of the Hamas Terror Attacks and the Israeli Response on Latin America and the Global Strategic EnvironmentR. Evan Ellis October 12, 2023IndraStra
The Impact of the Turn to the Left on the Advance of the People’s Republic of China in Latin AmericaR. Evan Ellis October 5, 2023Journal of Indopacific Affairs
El Salvador: el atractivo de los resultados a costa de la protección en una democracia convulsaR. Evan Ellis October 4, 2023infobae
What China's Long-Term Economic Weakness Means for the Developing WorldR. Evan Ellis August 28, 2023The Diplomat
Por qué China sufre una debilidad económica a largo plazo, y cuál será su impacto en América LatinaR. Evan Ellis August 22, 2023infobae
Fernando Villavicencio and the Self-Destructive Collaboration Between China and Populist RegimesR. Evan Ellis August 16, 2023Global Americans
Fernando Villavicencio y la colaboración autodestructiva entre China y los regímenes populistasR. Evan Ellis August 16, 2023infobae
O envolvimento do México com a China e as escolhas para seu futuroR. Evan Ellis August 11, 2023Dialogo
Comparing PRC Engagement in Central and Eastern Europe with Latin AmericaR. Evan Ellis July 27, 2023CEEEP
El Compromiso Estratégico de China en Europa Central y América LatinaR. Evan Ellis July 27, 2023CEEEP
Las empresas de seguridad chinas en América Latina: cómo operan y por qué hay que estar alertaR. Evan Ellis July 15, 2023infobae
Security Challenges in the Caribbean: Threats, Migration, and International CooperationR. Evan Ellis July 7, 2023CEEEP
Desafíos de Seguridad en el Caribe: Amenazas, Migración y Cooperación InternacionalR. Evan Ellis July 7, 2023CEEEP
La alianza militar de China con Cuba: los peligros de un avance estratégico en América LatinaR. Evan Ellis June 30, 2023Spanish Articles
China’s military engagements with Cuba: Implications of a strategic advance in Latin AmericaR. Evan Ellis June 29, 2023PacNet
The Advance of China and Authoritarian Populism in HondurasR. Evan Ellis June 9, 2023Global Americans
Brasil busca crear una alianza antiliberal y antinorteamericana con regímenes de izquierda latinoamericanos y otros rivales de EEUUR. Evan Ellis June 4, 2023infobae
Carrera hacia el abismo: China y la lógica autodestructiva de la diplomacia transaccional en las AméricasR. Evan Ellis May 15, 2023Dialogo
Corrida para o fundo: A China e a Lógica Auto-Defetiva da Diplomacia Transacional nas AméricasR. Evan Ellis May 15, 2023Dialogo
Latin America, China, and Pursuing the Region's True Self-InterestR. Evan Ellis May 2, 2023Diario Financero
Race to the Bottom: China and the Self-Defeating Logic of Transactional Diplomacy in the AmericasR. Evan Ellis April 18, 2023The Diplomat
What China's Global Security Initiative Tells Us About its Strategic Engagement with Latin AmericaR. Evan Ellis April 4, 2023The Diplomat
China’s Uneven Military, Political, and Commercial Advance in PanamaR. Evan Ellis March 24, 2023The Diplomat
El desigual avance militar, político y comercial de China en PanamáR. Evan Ellis March 23, 2023infobae
The State of and Prospects for Brazil’s Relations with ChinaR. Evan Ellis March 18, 2023Global Americans
Compromiso de la República Popular China con Centroamérica – Una actualizaciónR. Evan Ellis March 8, 2023CEEEP
Entendiendo el interés del régimen chino en el Caribe: Estados Unidos, Taiwán y la importancia geográficaR. Evan Ellis February 27, 2023infobae
Understanding PRC Political and Security Engagement in the CaribbeanR. Evan Ellis February 21, 2023Global Americans
Understanding PRC Commercial Engagement and People-to-People Relations in the CaribbeanR. Evan Ellis February 21, 2023Global Americans
A Strategy to Respond to Extra-hemispheric Actors in Latin America and the CaribbeanR. Evan Ellis February 5, 2023Atlantic Council
Colombia’s Security Challenges, the Government Response, and the Future of U.S.-Colombia RelationsR. Evan Ellis February 2, 2023CSIS
The Strategic Role of Latin America in a Global Conflict Over TaiwanR. Evan Ellis January 12, 2023CEEEP
El Papel Estratégico de América Latina en un Conflicto Global por TaiwánR. Evan Ellis January 12, 2023CEEEP
How the U.S. can Compete with China in Latin AmericaR. Evan Ellis January 1, 2023National Defense Magazine
Shared Challenges and Military Partnerships in Central America and the CaribbeanR. Evan Ellis December 22, 2022English Articles
Perú, Argentina y América Latina: La navegación por el camino de la izquierdaR. Evan Ellis December 15, 2022infobae
Mudanças Climáticas como uma Questão de Segurança RegionalR. Evan Ellis November 28, 2022Journal of the Americas
El Cambio Climático Como Tema de Seguridad RegionalR. Evan Ellis November 28, 2022Journal of the Americas
Haiti: The Crisis No One Wants to Own and the Future of Latin AmericaR. Evan Ellis November 8, 2022Global Americans
Lula’s Victory: Implications for Brazil’s Foreign Policy and the U.S. ResponseR. Evan Ellis November 3, 2022Global Americans
Las implicaciones de la victoria de Lula para Brasil, Estados Unidos y la regiónR. Evan Ellis November 3, 2022infobae
A Preliminary Look from Washington at Colombia’s New Direction and Security ChallengesR. Evan Ellis October 11, 2022CEEEP
Una Mirada Preliminar desde Washington al Nuevo Rumbo de Colombia y a los Retos de SeguridadR. Evan Ellis October 11, 2022CEEEP
Toward a Strategy for Responding to the PRC in Latin AmericaR. Evan Ellis October 6, 2022Global Americans
Urugay-China Relations and their Free Trade AgreementR. Evan Ellis September 29, 2022Global Americans
La dictadura de Ortega-Murillo en Nicaragua se convirtió en un puente clave para la entrada de Rusia, China e Irán en la regiónR. Evan Ellis August 30, 2022infobae
Nicaragua: Dictatorship and Collaboration with Extra-Hemispheric U.S. RivalsR. Evan Ellis August 29, 2022CSIS
Las lecciones para América Latina de los movimientos de China contra TaiwánR. Evan Ellis August 10, 2022infobae
China’s Use of Soft Power in Support of its Strategic Engagement in Latin AmericaR. Evan Ellis August 5, 2022Journal of the Americas
El uso del poder blando de China para apoyar su compromiso estratégico en America LatinaR. Evan Ellis August 5, 2022Journal of the Americas
The Evolution of Peru’s Multidimensional Challenges: Engagement with ChinaR. Evan Ellis July 27, 2022CEEEP
La evolución de los desafíos multidimensionales del Perú: El compromiso con ChinaR. Evan Ellis July 27, 2022CEEEP
The Evolution of Peru’s Multidimensional Challenges: Transnational Organized CrimeR. Evan Ellis July 21, 2022CEEEP
La Evolución de los Desafíos Multidimensionales del Perú: El Crimen Organizado TransnacionalR. Evan Ellis July 21, 2022CEEEP
Russia in the Western Hemisphere: Assessing Putin's Malign Influence in Latin America and the CaribbeanR. Evan Ellis July 20, 2022Congressional Testimony
The Evolution of Peru’s Multidimensional Challenges, Part I: The Political CrisisR. Evan Ellis July 13, 2022Global Americans
La evolución de los desafíos multidimensionales que enfrenta Perú: la crisis políticaR. Evan Ellis July 5, 2022infobae
Uruguay’s Values-Based Foreign Policy Includes Growing Ties to ChinaR. Evan Ellis June 10, 2022World Politics Review
South Korea as a Partner for Democracy and Prosperity for the Western HemisphereR. Evan Ellis June 8, 2022Global Americans
El Caribe en el fuego cruzado, entre el COVID-19, los narcóticos, China y la invasión rusa a UcraniaR. Evan Ellis May 11, 2022Dialogo
La Transición del Orden Mundial: Implicaciones para América Latina y el CaribeR. Evan Ellis April 6, 2022CEEEP
The Transitional World Order: Implications for Latin America and the CaribbeanR. Evan Ellis April 6, 2022CEEEP
Congressional Testimony: China's Role in Latin America and the CaribbeanR. Evan Ellis March 31, 2022CSIS
Understanding Chinese Engagement with Latin America and its Effects on the RegionR. Evan Ellis March 25, 2022English Articles
El impacto de la invasión rusa a Ucrania en el ambiente estratégico global y en América LatinaR. Evan Ellis February 28, 2022CEEEP
The Impact of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine on the Global Strategic Environment and Latin AmericaR. Evan Ellis February 28, 2022CEEEP
The Day After: Planning for China Scenarios that Profoundly Alter the Strategic EnvironmentR. Evan Ellis February 28, 2022IndraStra
US Department of Defense Role in Addressing Extra-Hemispheric State Rivals in Latin America and the CaribbeanR. Evan Ellis February 24, 2022Dialogo
Papel do Departamento de Defesa dos EUA no combate a rivais estatais fora do hemisfério na América Latina e no CaribeR. Evan Ellis February 24, 2022Dialogo
El papel del Departamento de Defensa de los EE. UU. en la lucha contra rivales estatales no hemisféricos en Latinoamérica y el CaribeR. Evan Ellis February 24, 2022Dialogo
Alberto Fernández’s Magical Odyssey to Russia and ChinaR. Evan Ellis February 15, 2022English Articles
Review of Enrique Dussel edited volume on Chinese FDI in Latin AmericaR. Evan Ellis February 7, 2022Opinion
Preparing for Deterioration of the Latin America and Caribbean Strategic EnvironmentR. Evan Ellis January 14, 2022CSIS
Venezuela: Understanding Political, External, and Criminal Actors in an Authoritarian StateR. Evan Ellis January 14, 2022Small Wars Journal
China’s New Year Ambitions for Latin America and the CaribbeanR. Evan Ellis January 12, 2022The Diplomat
Can Latin America and the Caribbean Trust China as a Business Partner? R. Evan Ellis December 29, 2021The Diplomat
Los desafíos que enfrentará el próximo gobierno de Chile: Segunda parteR. Evan Ellis December 18, 2021CEEEP
Los desafíos que enfrentará el próximo gobierno de Chile: Primera parteR. Evan Ellis December 14, 2021CEEEP
The Defense Department’s Role in Addressing Extra-Hemispheric State Rivals in Latin America and the CaribbeanR. Evan Ellis December 8, 2021Global Americans
El día después: la planificación para los escenarios chinos que alteran enormemente el entorno estratégicoR. Evan Ellis November 29, 2021RESUP
La eventual presidencia de Xiomara Castro en Honduras: implicaciones para Estados Unidos y la regiónR. Evan Ellis November 25, 2021CEEEP
The Coming Xiomara Castro Presidency in Honduras: Implications for the US and the RegionR. Evan Ellis November 25, 2021CEEEP
El negocio marítimo de Panamá y la evolución del panorama estratégicoR. Evan Ellis October 27, 2021CEEEP
DiDi and the Risks of Expanding Chinese E-Commerce in Latin AmericaR. Evan Ellis September 2, 2021Global Americans
Didi y los riesgos de la expansión del comercio electrónico chino en América LatinaR. Evan Ellis August 25, 2021infobae
How China Helps the Cuban Regime Stay Afloat and Shut Down ProtestsR. Evan Ellis August 3, 2021English Articles
Deconstructing the Belt and Road Initiative: China’s Use of Connectivity to Advance its Strategic Economic Position in Latin AmericaR. Evan Ellis July 1, 2021LASA
China reminds us why the Caribbean is vital to US strategic interestsR. Evan Ellis June 12, 2021The Hill
China’s Bid to Dominate Electrical Connectivity in Latin AmericaR. Evan Ellis May 21, 2021The Jamestown Foundation
China’s Diplomatic and Political Approach in Latin America and the CaribbeanR. Evan Ellis May 20, 2021USCC
A Race Against Time: Deploying Vaccines and Addressing the Disproportionate Impacts of Covid-19 in Latin America and the CaribbeanR. Evan Ellis May 13, 2021Congressional Testimony
New Directions in the Deepening of China-Argentine EngagementR. Evan Ellis February 11, 2021Global Americans
Insights from System Dynamics on the Future of Latin AmericaR. Evan Ellis January 6, 2021Global Americans
El fortalecimiento de las actividades del ELN (Ejército de Liberación Nacional) en Colombia y VenezuelaR. Evan Ellis January 1, 2021Journal of the Americas
The Reinforcing Activities of the ELN (National Liberation Army) in Colombia and VenezuelaR. Evan Ellis January 1, 2021Journal of the Americas
Thanks to COVID, China Poised to Expand Business Ownership in Latin AmericaR. Evan Ellis December 8, 2020Newsmax
Interview With Latin America Expert Dr. Evan Ellis: ‘Chinese Influence Is Positioned To Greatly Expand In The Post-Covid EnvironmentR. Evan Ellis December 4, 2020Global Review
Peru’s Multidimensional Challenge – Part 3: engagement with ChinaR. Evan Ellis November 20, 2020Global Americans
Peru’s Multidimensional Challenge – Part 2: the economic crisis, public insecurity, and organized crimeR. Evan Ellis November 15, 2020Global Americans
Peru’s Multidimensional Challenge: Part 1: The Political CrisisR. Evan Ellis November 8, 2020Global Americans
Do Latin American Waters Continue to Fall Prey to China's Fishing?R. Evan Ellis October 23, 2020Newsmax
Guyana: Opportunities and Challenges for the United States and the Caribbean BasinR. Evan Ellis October 2, 2020CSIS
The Future of Brazil – China Relations in the Context of Covid-19R. Evan Ellis September 18, 2020Global Americans
Venezuela: Pandemic and Foreign Intervention in a Collapsing NarcostateR. Evan Ellis August 5, 2020CSIS
Bolivia – A Pivotal Moment for Populism and the Pandemic ResponseR. Evan Ellis July 29, 2020Global Americans
Reflections for the Army from a Year at the State DepartmentR. Evan Ellis July 16, 2020Global Americans
Chinese Engagement in Latin America in the Context of Strategic Competition with the United StatesR. Evan Ellis June 24, 2020Congressional Testimony
COVID-19 Will Accelerate China’s Advance in a More Distrustful World: Prospects for Latin AmericaR. Evan Ellis June 1, 2020REDCAEM
Covid-19 acelerará avance de China en un mundo más desconfiado: Proyecciones para América LatinaR. Evan Ellis June 1, 2020REDCAEM
Latin America, Europe, and the U.S. must stick together in weathering the Covid-19 stormR. Evan Ellis May 28, 2020Global Americans
COVID-19: Shaping a Sicker, Poorer, More Violent, and Unstable Western HemisphereR. Evan Ellis May 15, 2020SSI
Challenges for the Armed Forces of Latin America in Responding to the COVID-19 PandemicR. Evan Ellis January 1, 2020Journal of the Americas
Retos de las Fuerzas Armadas de Latinoamérica para responder a la pandemia del COVID-19R. Evan Ellis January 1, 2020Journal of the Americas
Security Challenges in Guyana and the Government ResponseR. Evan Ellis December 1, 2019Journal of the Americas
2019: Trends, risks, and hard questions in Latin AmericaR. Evan Ellis September 1, 2019Global Americans
The Paraguayan Military and the Struggle Against Organized Crime and InsecurityR. Evan Ellis January 25, 2019Military Review
Understanding and Responding to Chinese Activities in Latin America and the CaribbeanR. Evan Ellis January 1, 2019Book
The U.S. Military in Support of Strategic Objectives in Latin America and the CaribbeanR. Evan Ellis January 1, 2019PRISM
Ecuador – Leveraging China to Pursue an Alternative Political and Development PathR. Evan Ellis January 1, 2019Air & Space Power Journal
La influencia de Ecuador sobre China para conseguir una vía alternativa de política y desarrolloR. Evan Ellis January 1, 2019Air & Space Power Journal
Guyana at Risk: Ethnic Politics, Oil, and Venezuelan Opportunism: Why it Should Matter to WashingtonR. Evan Ellis December 31, 2018Global Americans
¿Cuáles son los riesgos para China en su avance por América LatinaR. Evan Ellis November 15, 2018REDCAEM
Corruption, Intrigue and Hope in the Land of Soy: The Mario Abdo Benitez Government in Paraguay, and The Extra-Hemispheric Actors Wooing HimR. Evan Ellis November 14, 2018Global Americans
Transparency, the Port of La Union, and Discomfort Over China’s Advance in El SalvadorR. Evan Ellis November 13, 2018Latin News
Chinese Money, Institutional Weaknesses, and Populism: A Recipe for DisasterR. Evan Ellis November 9, 2018Dialogo
The evolution of Panama-PRC relations since recognition, and their strategic implications for the US and the regionR. Evan Ellis September 21, 2018Global Americans
La evolución de las relaciones Panama-PRC desde el reconocimiento y sus implicaciones estratégicas para EE. UU Y la región, parte 1R. Evan Ellis September 1, 2018Legislación y Economia
El Salvador Recognizes the PRC: Confrontation on the FMLN’s way ‘out the door’R. Evan Ellis August 22, 2018English Articles
How the 2018 Summit of the Americas can make a real differenceR. Evan Ellis August 4, 2018Global Americans
Lenin Moreno and the struggle for the soul of Ecuador’s (and Latin America’s) leftR. Evan Ellis August 2, 2018Global Americans
Mexico Likely to Elect 'AMLO' President--How Will It Impact the RegionR. Evan Ellis June 25, 2018Newsmax
Latin America and the emerging ideological struggle of the 21st CenturyR. Evan Ellis June 17, 2018English Articles
Confronting complex multidimensional security challenges in Trinidad and Tobago, Part IIR. Evan Ellis June 1, 2018Experticia Militar
Venezuela’s election, the day after: A handover of the nation’s oil riches to Russia and ChinaR. Evan Ellis May 2, 2018Global Americans
The Impact of China on the Latin American Security EnvironmentR. Evan Ellis May 1, 2018Revista da Escola de Guerra Naval
Los complejos desafíos de la seguridad multidimensional en Trinidad y Tobago PARTE IIR. Evan Ellis March 1, 2018Spanish Articles
Hacia una asociación estratégica: Las inversiones de China en América LatinaR. Evan Ellis March 1, 2018REDCAEM
Chinese engagement in Latin America and the U.S. response: Taking off the glovesR. Evan Ellis February 8, 2018Univision
It’s Time to Think Strategically About Countering Chinese Advances in Latin AmericaR. Evan Ellis February 2, 2018Global Americans
China’s Activities in the Petroleum, Renewable Energy, and Transmission Sectors of Latin America and the CaribbeanR. Evan Ellis January 1, 2018Book
Russian Engagement in Latin America and the Caribbean: An UpdateR. Evan Ellis December 5, 2017Global Americans
Chile and China: The Fight for the Future Regime of the PacificR. Evan Ellis November 22, 2017The Jamestown Foundation
Los complejos desafíos de la seguridad multidimensional en Trinidad y TobagoR. Evan Ellis November 1, 2017Experticia Militar
Las Relaciones Económicas entre China y Los Países del Triángulo NorteR. Evan Ellis November 1, 2017Book
What Panama’s Recognition of China Means for America’s BackyardR. Evan Ellis October 5, 2017World Politics Review
The Strategic Context of China’s Advance in Latin America: An UpdateR. Evan Ellis September 27, 2017Asia Centre
The Influence of Extra-Hemispheric Actors on the Crisis in VenezuelaR. Evan Ellis September 13, 2017Congressional Testimony
Gangs, Guns, Drugs and Islamic Foreign Fighters: Security Challenges in Trinidad and TobagoR. Evan Ellis September 8, 2017
The Dominican Republic; Security challenges, government responses and U.S.-oriented recommendations for the U.SR. Evan Ellis July 5, 2017
Panama’s Recognition of the PRC: Strategic Implications and Recommendations for U.SR. Evan Ellis June 13, 2017
Ecuador Under Lenin Moreno: Rethinking the U.S. Relationship with Latin America’s LeftR. Evan Ellis May 26, 2017
El Impacto Migratorio y de Seguridad en Colombia Por el Colapso de VenezuelaR. Evan Ellis April 28, 2017
An Agreement Between Question Marks - The Process Toward Peace & Security in ColombiaR. Evan Ellis January 30, 2017
Effective cooperation with Mexico contributes more to US security than any wallR. Evan Ellis January 30, 2017
Tsai Ing-Wen in Central America: Shoring Up Defenses Before the Collapse of the TruceR. Evan Ellis January 25, 2017
China’s Security Challenge to the United States in Latin America and the CaribbeanR. Evan Ellis January 1, 2017
Guatemala: The Military in a Supporting Role in the Fight Against Transnational Organized CrimeR. Evan Ellis January 1, 2017
The China Triangle: Latin America’s China Boom and the Fate of the Washington Consensus, Kevin P. GallagherR. Evan Ellis January 1, 2017
China’s Second Policy Paper on Latin America and the Caribbean: Indications of Chinese Intentions, and Recommendations for the U.S. ResponseR. Evan Ellis December 13, 2016
Time for a Call from the Venezuelan Opposition to President-Elect TrumpR. Evan Ellis December 12, 2016
Rejection of the ‘Peace’ Accords with the FARC: What’s Next for ColombiaR. Evan Ellis October 4, 2016
Collaboration and learning in Latin America’s fight against transnational organized crime and terrorismR. Evan Ellis September 28, 2016
Transformación Militar en el Contexto del Crimen Organizado Transnacional en América Latina: Los Casos De Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras Y PerúR. Evan Ellis August 1, 2016
Characteristics and Assessment of Russian Engagement with Latin America and the CaribbeanR. Evan Ellis June 1, 2016
Honduras: A Pariah State, or Innovative Solutions to Organized Crime Deserving U.S. SupportR. Evan Ellis June 1, 2016
Strategic Insights-Mexico: New Directions, Continuity, and Obstacles in the Fight Against Transnational Organized CrimeR. Evan Ellis March 31, 2016
El nexo evolutivo entre el crimen transnacional y el terorismo en Peru, y su importancia estratgica para EE.UU y la regionR. Evan Ellis March 7, 2016
Beyond the Zapata scandal: Outsourcing Bolivia’s National Development to ChinaR. Evan Ellis February 12, 2016
Chinese Engagement with Bolivia - Resources, Business Opportunities, and Strategic LocationR. Evan Ellis January 1, 2016
La Presencia de China en América Latina: Comercio, inversion y cooperación económicaR. Evan Ellis January 1, 2016
The Evolving Transnational Crime-Terrorism Nexus in Peru and its Strategic Relevance for the U.S. and the RegionR. Evan Ellis January 1, 2016
The Impact of China on the Security Environment of Latin America and the CaribbeanR. Evan Ellis January 1, 2016
Honduras – Innovation in the fight against gangs and narcotraffickingR. Evan Ellis September 24, 2015
The New Russian Engagement With Latin America: Strategic Engagement, Commerce, and Dreams of the PastR. Evan Ellis June 1, 2015
International Regime Building: The Trans-Pacific PartnershipR. Evan Ellis May 19, 2015Global Americans
Las iniciativas por parte de las firmas agrícolas chinas para establecer su presencia en América Latina y el CaribeR. Evan Ellis May 1, 2015
Russian Engagement in Latin America and the Caribbean: Return to the ‘Strategic Game’ in a Complex-Interdependent Post-Cold War WorldR. Evan Ellis April 24, 2015
Why are Chinese agricultural firms so active in Latin America and the CaribbeanR. Evan Ellis March 11, 2015
The Strategic Importance of the Western Hemisphere – Defining U.S. Interests in the RegionR. Evan Ellis February 3, 2015
The China-CELAC Summit: Opening a New Phase in China-Latin America-U.S. Relations?”R. Evan Ellis January 13, 2015
Las Drogas, las pandillas, el crimen organizado transnacional, y los ‘Espacios mal gobiernados’ en America LatinaR. Evan Ellis January 1, 2015
Chinese Engagement with the ALBA Countries: A Relationship of Mutual ConvenienceR. Evan Ellis January 1, 2015
The Nicaragua Canal: Commercial and Strategic Interests Disguised as a MegaprojectR. Evan Ellis December 3, 2014
Persecución a opositores y perpetuar regímenes autoritarios, los riesgos detrás de la tecnología china de vigilanciaR. Evan Ellis September 4, 2014
China y México: Desafíos en la profundización de la relación estratégicaR. Evan Ellis August 30, 2014
China’s Advance in Latin America Has More Challenges than Xi’s Visit SuggestsR. Evan Ellis July 18, 2014
China’s Strategy in Latin America Demonstrates Boldness of President XiR. Evan Ellis February 19, 2014
China on the Ground in Latin America: Challenges for the Chinese and Impacts on the RegionR. Evan Ellis January 1, 2014
El compromiso de China con los países del ALBA: ¿Una relación de conveniencia mutuoR. Evan Ellis January 1, 2014
Intensificación de las Relaciones de China con América Latina y el Caribe En el Contexto de la Política Estadounidense Hacia la RegiónR. Evan Ellis January 1, 2014
China’s Growing Relationship with Latin America and the Caribbean in the Context of US Policy Toward the RegionR. Evan Ellis January 1, 2014
Chinese Commercial Engagement with Guyana: The Challenges of Physical Presence and Political ChangeR. Evan Ellis September 27, 2013
PRC Engagement in Latin America and Implications for Taiwan and the United StatesR. Evan Ellis August 6, 2013
U.S.-China Competition Heats Up as Chinese President Xi Tours Latin AmericaR. Evan Ellis June 7, 2013
La Alianza del Pacífico y los éxitos que los países pueden alcanzar individualmenteR. Evan Ellis May 23, 2013
Beyond "Win-Win" and the Menacing Dragon: How China is Transforming Latin AmericaR. Evan Ellis January 31, 2013
The Strategic Dimension of Chinese Activities in the Latin American Telecommunications SectorR. Evan Ellis January 1, 2013
The China-Mexico-US Triangle: Trade, Security and Complex InterdependenceR. Evan Ellis January 1, 2013
Oportunidades y Perspectivas del TLC Para Las Empresas de Seguridad PrivadaR. Evan Ellis October 2, 2012
The Expanding Chinese Footprint in Latin America: New Challenges for China, and Dilemmas for the USR. Evan Ellis February 1, 2012
Punto por punto, todos los tentáculos de las cada vez más profundas relaciones entre Argentina y ChinaR. Evan Ellis January 2, 2012
Suriname and the Chinese: Timber, Migration, and the Less-Told Stories of GlobalizationR. Evan Ellis January 1, 2012
Las relaciones China-Colombia en el contexto de la relación estratégica entre Colombia y los Estados UnidosR. Evan Ellis January 1, 2012
China – Involucramiento Militar en América Latina: Buena Voluntad, Buen Negocio, y Posición EstrategicaR. Evan Ellis January 1, 2012
China’s Bet on Brazil: Drivers, Dynamics, and Implications of the Expanding Brazil-China RelationshipR. Evan Ellis February 1, 2011
The United States and China in Latin America: Cooperation and CompetitionR. Evan Ellis January 1, 2011
Book Review: The Dragon in the Room: China and the Future of Latin American IndustrializationR. Evan Ellis January 1, 2011
Venezuela’s Relationship with China: Implications for the Chávez Regime and the RegionR. Evan Ellis August 18, 2010
Dynamics and Strategic Implications of Venezuela’s Relationship with ChinaR. Evan Ellis July 15, 2010
The Approaching Implosion of Venezuela and Strategic Implications for the United StatesR. Evan Ellis May 7, 2010
Sosteniendo Populismo por Ganancia e Influencia: La Relación Estratégica entre Venezuela y la República Popular de ChinaR. Evan Ellis January 1, 2010
Las Relaciones China-Colombia en el Contexto de la Relación Estratégica entre Colombia y los EE.UUR. Evan Ellis January 1, 2010
El Impacto de Comercio con China en las Economias y Sociedades de America LatinaR. Evan Ellis November 1, 2007
The Military-Strategic Dimensions of Chinese Initiatives in Latin AmericaR. Evan Ellis February 16, 2007
Chinese engagement in Latin America and Europe: Comparisons and InterdependenciesR. Evan Ellis January 7, 2006
El compromiso chino en América Latina y Europa Comparaciones e InterdependenciasR. Evan Ellis January 7, 2006
U.S. National Security Implications of Chinese Involvement in Latin AmericaR. Evan Ellis June 1, 2005
México: Una Crisis que se Agudiza y un Desafío Estratégico para Estados UnidosR. Evan Ellis January 8, 2005
The Sociopolitical Destabilization of Venezuela: A system dynamics perspective on the interaction of elite rhetoric, sociopolitical structure, and mass mobilizationR. Evan Ellis July 1, 2004
Organizational Learning Dominance: The Emerging Key to Success in the New Era of WarfareR. Evan Ellis May 1, 1999